The goal of this document is to compare the performances of some of the existing packages.
dequer 2.0-2implements double ended queues and it supports arbitrary R objects. However, it uses
and R_ReleaseObject
heavily which could be an issue for long queues.
datastructures 0.2.9 uses ‘Boost’ and ‘STL’ data types to implement queues and hashmaps. For some reasons, it is often slow as shown in the benchmark.
liqueueR 0.0.1 implements queues in pure R code which explains its slowness.
hash uses R environments to create hash tables. It is known that regular R enviroments leak memory.
fastmap 1.1.0. The current implementation of collection::dict is actually inspired by it. However, a more efficient hash table library tommy is used.
hashtab of R 4.2.
- We also compare to serveral base R implementations based on lists or environments, see here for details.



Priority Queue


Note that base::new.env
suffers from memory leak issue. The performance gap between R environments and collections::dict
is mainly attributed to the overhead in accessing the $get
and $set
methods from the dict
Ordered dict

Note that ordered_dict
grows linearly in n
but but list
does not.